Saturday, January 13, 2007

What a week!

This past week was our first full week in work/school mode. I fell into bed exhausted last night at like 8pm!

The boys are thriving in school. Thank God! And I am not saying that lightly! Thank you God above!!!!! There are some things I have issue with at Rowdy One's school but they are minor and I just need to make my concerns known and I am sure there is a fix. Wise One is having a grand time learning the ins and outs of his new enviroment. They are both very bright kids and are excelling in the new setting. I could list all the things I miss/am concerned with/wish were different but I am not. I am listing all the positives we have had this week. And there have been many.

Work is great. Really. Great. I am very capable and my new bosses are very good about telling me that. The verbal reenforcements are good since I was/am having such a hard time with the transistion. It is a pleasant atmosphere with no real stress and lots of positive vibes. My office is right next to Rowdy One's school so I can skip over there for lunch with him any time I want. I also do not have to be at work until 9 so we are not rushed in the morning. I have cuddle time and all. And the pay is nice. Truly. That is the main reason for returning to the workforce. And it will relieve some stress fairly quickly and help us get back on our feet. And working for CPAs has some perks, as in wonderful advice and education on some long term things at my finger tips.

Ah! All around this week was a good one.

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes I have received. I have felt wrapped in prayer and good thoughts and I so appreciate the kindness!



Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

This was good medicine for me today, as well! So good to hear how well things are going!
Praise God.

Anonymous said...

That is great news! Everything is working out. Praise God. :o)