Friday, November 10, 2006

Eleven Years

Eleven LOOONNNGGGG years! heheeh, just kidding Chosen One.

Tomorrow we will celebrate the Veteran's and celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary.

Eleven years: two kids, three pregnancies, two dogs, two cats, seven vehicles, ten jobs, two homes. Yep, that is what we have gone through in eleven years. Now when you look deeper into all these you will see the life we have lived! Oh the ups! Oh the downs....... Oh the fun! Oh the "what the heck was I thinking" and better yet "what the heck were you thinking". The sleepless nights, due to illness, babies, fights or having to much fun! The tight money situations that never seem to go away. The talks that make us feel so much better. The talks that make us crack up!

Who else would I want to live this life with? None other than the Chosen One. I am so glad we decided to get married. While I think back and know we had NO idea what we were really getting in to, I do believe God put us together for the long haul. Put us together for each other.

I love you Chosen One. Happy Anniversary!



Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

Happy anniversary, Lyn!
I hope you're feeling well enough to enjoy it!
Do something fun! ;D

beck said...

hope you two got the chance to escape for the evening and do something fun. i adore you two and your relationship with each other. it's what marriage should be. congrats to you both.

Lani - the flowerlady said...

Happy Anniversary, haven't been around for awhile, glad I could pop by on such an auspicious occasion~

Randi said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! I'm sorry you didn't win the lottery. But the fact that that guy's statues looked so stupid to you makes me want to look at what I DO have and how stupid is it really? Probably pretty stupid.