Thursday, July 13, 2006

Recipe Thursday

1 ~ 2 liter Welch's Grape Soda
1 ~ can Eagle brand condensed milk

Mix and pour into ice cream maker. Sit back and wait. And then....

Enjoy! This is so yummy!!! We have tried rootbeer, Sunkist Orange, Ginger Ale. Really anything that your family likes.

Find something to ease the heat for a bit.



laura capello said...

Shut up, no way.

Two ingrediants?

Hmmm... I finally found some gluten-free rootbeer. That sounds good...

Islandsparrow said...

mmmm - only we don't have an ice-cream maker. Maybe I should try and get one in the end of summer sales - that recipe sounds yummy!!

Ann said...

That does sound yummy.
I remember my favorite childhood babysitter used to freeze grape juice in ice cube trays. Nothing fancy-- she'd hand us a napkin and a grape juice cube, and off we'd trot, sucking away, as happy as can be! Yum.....
Stay cool!
Mozart & Mudpies

beck said...

a tasty treat indeed.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm. Sounds so good! Maybe I could put it into my popsicle stick maker thingys? Great idea for beating this heat. Thanks.

mommy to six J's said...

Sounds so good.