Monday, July 17, 2006

It's official.

I mean really official!

I submitted my resignation to the school district. I am now an unemployed homeschooler!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy Cr*p!!!!

H.O.L.Y. C.R.*.P.!!!!

Lyn, who is working on breathing at the moment. I am having some trouble..........................


Anonymous said...

I remember the day I submitted my resignation to the school district. That was so I could stay home after my baby was born. Then, I had the decision about letting my occupational therapy license lapse when I decided to homeschool the kids. These are big decisions, but ultimately you are doing what you think is best for your children. They will benefit, you will benefit - how can you go wrong?

beck said...

everything will be just fine. i have no worries. if anyone can do this - it is you my friend. worry not!

Anonymous said...

Well done! It will get easier to breathe when you realize another day has passed and it is all good.

Different is good, change is good. Keep us updated on how it is going.

Randi said...

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out...

Congratulations on taking this step! You are going to be a great homeschooling mom!

Have you picked out curriculum yet?

Lyn said...

I have ideas of curriculum. I am keeping it simple for a bit until we find our place.

And I am handling it a little better today.

Anonymous said...

Keep breathing!

*Give yourself time.

*It won't be neat and tidy.

*Smile - you're going to love it.

You can DO this!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Just keep breathing...