Monday, October 09, 2006


I attended a funeral for a five year old on Friday and I am still trying to put into words how that funeral was for me. It was the most awe inspiring celebration of such a short life that I have ever witnessed. It was a true celebration of life. The faith her family has has left me with many thoughts in my mind. Lots to process.

"In surrender, I clear a space in which something new can grow. I
place my faith in something larger than me. I trust."

Mitten Strings for God by Katrina Kenison

I have dusted this book off. It is now on top of my stack to re-read.



Randi said...


You have had so much to deal with lately and for that, I am so sorry. I am leaving you with a hug today and a promise that you will be in my prayers, dear friend!

Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

How wonderful that this family can rejoice in the time they knew their little one! My knees positively give way when I think of losing one of my own - it gives me strength to see and hear of another family's faith.
Praying for you.

Christine said...

Lyn, I am reading that book now and love that quote. I attended the funeral of a 4 year old last year and it was done with the same spirit of celebration. It really is humbling to be a part of an experience like that.

Queenheroical said...

I remember watching my husband's family, primarily his mom and dad, after Dh's brother died (he was 24). I remember being speakless at the amazing peace and grace that overcame them. God was there. He was working out his will through their sorrow and touching the heart of so many others. It still makes me pause to think back on it.